A message from RowHill PRU
Hi I’m Rae and I work at Rowhill School, Marvin came to talk to our key stage 3’s, year 10’s and 11’s about how he turned his life around from crime and personal safety. The kids found it very interesting and stayed an hour after school to talk to him about what he did to turn his life around. He inspired the children and hopefully changed their lives by what he said.
The Challenge
These amazing pupils were at a potential risk of grooming gangs, trying to take advantage of them and groom them into a life of crime in their local community. Rowhill School asked Marvin to come in and do a presentation based around grooming gangs and county lines.
The Fix
Not only did he address these issues but Marvin took it 1 step further and also tried to bridge the gap between teachers and students, Marvin explained that “these teachers can go anywhere in the world and get paid more abroad at private schools, but they choose to be here with you. This is why you have to show them some respect, they are not here for them, they are here for you” and that statement really hit home with these kids.
“I’m no god, I’m no angel, but I’m a reformed character that is trying to change the mindsets of thousands of people we come into contact with, so they don’t make similar mistakes as me”
Marvin Herbert
Crime Prevention Activist